Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Different keystrokes for different folks


Depending on the quadrant you're in, you're probably searching for different types of information. The four links above shows how different the information is, for different quadrants.

Okay, you probably know that already. What you might NOT know, however, is that your brain is wired differently, based on the quadrant you choose to play in.

Employees look for "work," entrepreneurs look for "workers."

For employees, "time is money." For entrepreneurs, "money is time." That is, use money to buy time, because time is critical to success in business.

Of course, the smart entrepreneur goes further: knowledge is time. The more you KNOW, the less time you waste. Planning, in fact, is an activity where you are forced to "know" or at least make educated guesses ahead of time, and THIS act of planning and putting thoughts and facts on paper, WILL save you time. Brian Tracy's research indicates that planning is an activity that yields a 500% return on investment: for every hour that you spend planning, you will save five hours of mistakes, frustration, having to redo the work, etc.

For the investor, knowledge is certainty of return. As Gordon Gekko says in the movie Wall Street: "The public's out there throwing darts at a board. I don't throw darts at a board. I bet on sure things."

The last sentence is funny, because the very definition of a bet is that it is NOT a sure thing!

What he means is that he WINS, and then PLAYS (whereas most business people play, then try to win). This philosophy is expressed in the same movie when Gekko quotes the Chinese strategist Sun Tzu, for the educational benefit of his young apprentice, the up-and-comer Bud Fox: "Every battle is won before it's ever fought. Think about that."

So victory depends on having the right information at the right time. The four links above provides some of the information to base your decisions on, but there is a higher-level information that is not so easily available.

This is the information that we provide in the Economic Options seminar (and soon in a special ebook available on Payloadz). This information allows you to choose which quadrant to live in and work in.


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