Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Are you okay?

No matter which quadrant you are currently in, it's a good idea to find out how you're actually doing. I don't just mean financially, because some people are stressed out, have health problems, etc. BECAUSE of the quadrant they're in.

"50% success (up)" means that you're half-way to succeeding in the quadrant, and your odds are going up. If that is the case, it would probably be a mistake for you to switch to another quadrant.

"50% success (down)" means the opposite: your chances of success are going down, not necessarily because of you, but sometimes due to external factors that are outside your direct control. For instance, you may have had success in the past as a software engineer, but somehow, today, Indian programmers and engineers are doing YOUR job at one fifth the salary.

The important thing is to be totally honest about how well you are doing, based on the criteria or factors that are important to you.


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