Monday, October 23, 2006

Meaning of "economic destiny"

The reason we chose "economic destiny" as the name for this blog, is that

  1. financial freedom comes from economic sophistication, that is, the sustained intelligent behavior that creates value.
  2. "destiny" is something we can largely program most preemptively.

If you don't think you can create your destiny, I would argue that it's simply a lack of decisiveness. For instance, you can dramatically CHANGE your destiny by simply throwing away your TV set or at least, by abandoning cable service (so you only have the bare minimum number of channels to watch, thereby reducing your TV viewing time).

So by "economic destiny," I don't mean a life that is pre-determined and that you cannot change. I mean a smartly programmed lifestyle that allows you -- drives you -- to naturally and effortlessly create value all the time, which will result in money flowing to you from everywhere.


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